This is the second installment in a series on our 19th ward aldermanic candidates.
I met Anne Schaible recently at a community meeting. We discussed her positions on environmental issues. She is a regular volunteer with Friends of the Forest Preserves at habitat restoration workdays. She strongly supports expansion of the city's recycling program and replacement of the city's fleet vehicles with hybrid or electric vehicles when old vehicles are due for replacement. She favors preservation of existing green spaces, creation of new green spaces on vacant blighted land, and better care for our city's trees. Addressing pollution issues to improve air quality is an important priority for her. She supports pedestrian safety measures to make the 19th ward a safer place to walk.
This information supplements what is available on her official campaign web site.
I also recommend reading her responses to the Tribune editorial board questionnaire. She has not responded to IVI-IPO's candidate questionnaire, so there is no additional information there. To date, only Ray Coronado and Diane Phillips have responded to the IVI-IPO questionnaire.
I saw Anne at two recent community forums. She was incredibly knowledgeable and articulate. I like the fact that she outlined specific plans to make positive changes in our ward....truly a fresh voice without any strings attached. She's got my vote so far!
I attended a meet and greet for dr. anne this evening. Boy, does she know her stuff! I'm with her.
Incidentally, some of you should see the voting records of the candidates. Does everyone know that the Cook County Board of elections maintains records of when we vote? Dr. Schaible and her husband sat out elections for years, and when they began voting recently, it was as Republicans. Albeit the aldermanic election in non-partisan, but this is something voters should know.
Do you have as much concern about matt o'sheas arrest record ?
Being an independent, you can vote any way you like. Dr. Anne has voted both Dem. and Rep.
Dr.Anne will have her voting record with her on tuesday so if you have any questions about it you can ask her then.
While Dr. Anne speaks with an air of authority and knowledge.. many, many of her facts are incorrect. She is very adept a spouting tidbits she knows people would like to hear - but, she bases these tidbits on hearsay, rumor, and bad information all together.
Really? Because I have seen alot of her research to back up what she is saying. Please elaborate on your comment.
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