This is the third installment in a series on 19th ward aldermanic candidates.
Diane Phillips was on the ballot until recently, but was apparently bumped due to a petition challenge on the legitimacy of signatures. This is a common tactic when other candidates (especially an incumbent) want to knock a rival off the ballot. She is still running as a write-in candidate.
Since she does not have a web site and hasn't gotten as much exposure, there is less information available about her qualifications and ideas compared to most of the other candidates. I have asked her for more information about her plans and will update this post when I receive a response.
Here's a link to a 19th Ward blog piece, which includes information from a recent Beverly Review article. She responded to the IVI-IPO questionnaire.
I wish Mrs. Phillips luck. Running as a write-in is a difficult route.
I've gotten the following additional info from the candidate:
She is a thirty year resident of the 19th Ward, where she and her husband (Retired Chicago Police Officer Paul Phillips) raised their daughter, along with twelve non-biological children, without any federal or state support.
Their daughter attended and graduated from Clissold Elementary School and Morgan Park High School, and went on to study at Lincoln University in Missouri.
Mrs. Phillips was a public servant for almost thirty years until she retired in 2007, to launch Elite Human Service Systems, Inc. (EHSSI). EHSSI is a for-profit training and consulting firm that provides cultural diversity training and legal advocacy services. She has earned several advanced degrees in order to enhance her ability to serve clients of EHSSI.
As a candidate for alderman, she seeks to add diversity to the administration of the 19th Ward and to change the culture of corruption and cronyism within the City of Chicago.
The challenge to Diane Phillips' petition signatures was brought about by a Schaible supporter not "an incumbent" as you have implied.
Diane, thank you for having the courtesy to show up for the forum tonight. I enjoyed the opportunity to hear you positions, and I can see that you are committed to your candidacy. I
For the record, Erin Taylor, a Schaible supporter and facebook frequenter, challenged Diane Phillips' petitions. Anyone can verify this. She is also one of the people who verbally objected to Diane Phillips speaking at the forum, allegedly because Ms. Phillips is a write-in candidate, though people who are paying attention don't believe that's the real reason. I'm glad BAPA was courteous enough to allow Ms. Phillips to speak, and that the organization understands that though she is a write-in candidate, she is serious about running. That was clear this evening. I suspect Ms. Phillips' attendance may have something to do with why Dr. Schaible and her supporters wanted the forum cancelled.
Keep plugging away Diane.
There is 3 other candidates running besides Dr. Schaible but yet she is the only on being attacked.
I appose Mrs. Phillips because she refered to Mt.Greenwood as being "racist" and demanded a police escort and recieved it to Pastor Thor's church.
Also, Mr.O'Shea was called about postponing the BAPA forum but refused to take any phone calls from the other candidates. Mrs. Phillips had NOTHING to do with wanting the forum postponed. Why is it so hard to believe that people actually care about others. Keep putting your own spin on things.
The story about Ms. Phillips demanding a police escort is a rumor created by racists, and repeated by gullible people. A lying police officer told me that he knew this to be true. It's not true, but it does add credence to the reputation of certain segments of our community who like to grab on to any story that does not reflect well on a person of color.
Just look at some of the comments on Dr. Schaible's facebook page. Go back in time and see how some of her supporters express themselves in a public forum that can be seen by anyone in the entire world.
For the record, yes, Erin Taylor did file the paperwork to have Diane Phillips removed from the ballot, as her paperwork did not contain the required number of valid signatures from registered voters in the 19th ward. Had her petitions contained enough valid signatures, the Board of Elections would have kept her on the ballot, but they did not. Also, for the record, Erin Taylor did not verbally object to Diane Phillips speaking at the BAPA forum, regardless of what Ms. Phillips may believe. And yes, Erin Taylor is a Schaible supporter.
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