Monday, December 5, 2011

you can help make Chicago more bike friendly

A recent blog piece on Grid Chicago talked about the issues we face on the south side that make parts of our area anything but bike friendly. (Here's Part 2 of that piece.) 

Protected bike lanes can help create safer conditions for transportation riding, and the mayor has pledged 100 miles of new protected lanes between now and 2014.  You may be asking "what do these lanes look like and how do they help?"  Check out this link and view the videos and pictures there.  The 18th St. video offers a "before" and a "partially completed" view. The Kinzie St. video shows an "after" view.

Whether you are an everyday cyclist, someone who rides occasionally in the neighborhood, or someone who would like to be able to ride to neighborhood destinations but doesn't feel safe riding on anything but quiet streets or paths, the Streets for Cycling 2020 Plan would like to hear from you over the next several weeks.

The goal of this plan is to create conditions that will make it possible for a wider range of people to ride for transportation, so that people all over the city have more transportation options. 

What do they want to know?  Take a look at a map and spend a few minutes making a list of destinations you where would like to go by bike - library, work, train station, school, restaurant, a friend's home, the lakefront, etc.  Then make a list of barriers that currently make it difficult or impossible for you to ride to places you'd like to go - heavy traffic streets connecting neighborhoods, railroad viaducts, expressways, bridges with fast traffic and no safe place for bikes, etc.

The first public meeting will be next Saturday 12/10 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 23 E. Madison.  There will also be public meetings in January and February.  Our south side meeting will be Wednesday 1/25 from 6 to 8 p.m. at Woodson Regional Library, 95th & Halsted.  If you're unable to attend one of the public meetings, but would like send your lists by e-mail, please click here.

You can find additional updates on the Chicago Dept. of Transportation Bike Program page.

Please share this information with anyone you know who rides for transportation and anyone who currently does not but might like to if conditions were safer.

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