Tuesday, October 29, 2013

household hazardous waste collection on Sat. 11/2

The Green Sanctuary Group of Beverly Unitarian Church will collect household hazardous waste and electronics for recycling Sat. 11/2, 8:30 to 11:00 a.m. in the church parking lot, 10244 S. Longwood Dr. (the Castle).

The following items will be accepted:  computers, laptops, printers, monitors, stereo equipment, boomboxes, mercury-flourescent lamps and bulbs, televisions, cell and land line phones and small microwaves, as well as eyeglasses, washable athletic shoes, and textbooks.

The following Hazardous items will be accepted if PROPERLY SEALED:

Anti-freeze, used motor oil, old gasoline, OIL-BASED paints, paint thinners, aerosol paints, car batteries, reusable batteries, herbicides, insecticides, pesticides, lawn chemicals, solvents, drain cleaners, pool chemical, and hobby chemicals.

In addition, we will accept unused or expired Prescription Drugs (non-controlled only) for transport to the Chicago Hazardous Waste Facility.

We CANNOT accept any latex, acrylic or water based paint, Freon, incandescent bulbs, or products you can clean up with water, Bio Hazardous Material or needles.

Thanks to Beverly Bank & Trust and Com2 for their ongoing support of this community service.

Modest contributions to help offset transportation costs are appreciated. To volunteer or obtain more information contact: Eileen Klees, eklees@gmail.com, (773)968-3396 or Fran Sowa, frannevpk@yahoo.com (708) 423-6392.

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