Saturday, July 31, 2021

a watered down treatment for pedestrian safety

When I first saw restriping and new crosswalks on Longwood Drive, I was encouraged that these could be somewhat helpful in encouraging drivers to share street space with pedestrians and cyclists in more considerate ways. 

I thought that the "curb bumpout" striping that accompanied the excellent new crosswalk striping at Longwood, Prospect and 110th Place would be filled in with colored paint similar to this treatment in the Loop.  

I've seen similar treatments in Wicker Park and other locations.

Instead, this is all we got. Really? 

It would be great if we could get planters along the Longwood and Prospect edges of this striped area so that it really functions as a curb extension, as intended. As is, it may lull some folks into a false sense of security and result in injuries. 

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