Wednesday, October 23, 2019

next week - community conversation about Divvy on 10/30

Could you spend a minute or two taking a survey to give the Divvy folks a bit of info about where you like to ride and how you might use Divvy?  Here's the link.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Divvy survey

The team working on Divvy community outreach has created a survey to get information from people in the neighborhood - how they might use Divvy, what they know about the program so far, where they'd like stations, etc.

Click here to take the survey. It only takes a minute or two.

Thank you for offering information to help Divvy bring us the best experience for our neighborhood.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Major Taylor Trail community ride with Divvy tomorrow (Sat. 10/12)

Have you been curious about where the Major Taylor Trail goes?  Have you tried Divvy? This Saturday morning you can try both.

Friends of the Major Taylor Trail are partnering with Divvy to offer a few short, easy tour options on the trail.

Start location:  119th and Halsted, southeast corner
Hours:  9 am to noon
Routes:  to Whistler Woods, to 105th St. or to Dan Ryan Woods - and back
Pace:   leisurely

All rides with Divvy bikes with be guided. Adults will need to leave a driver's license or state ID as a deposit for a bike. No one under 18 rides a Divvy with out an adult sponsor.

We hope you can join us on Saturday.

Coming soon to a location near you

non sequitur Friday

Variations on a theme.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Morgan Park United Methodist Church will host a collection of household electronics and hazardous waste this Saturday 10/5, 8:30 to 11 a.m. at 11030 S. Longwood Dr.

This event is sponsored by the Green Sanctuary Group of the Unitarian Church. Donations are encouraged to help cover costs. 

The following items will NOT be accepted: freon, incandescent bulbs, appliances, alkaline batteries, bio-hazardous products, needles, latex/acrylic/water-based paints, caulk or cleaning products, or other water soluble products.

Accepted items include: computers, monitors, printers, laptops, small electronics, small TVs, cell phones and pagers, mercury fluorescent bulbs, rechargeable batteries, mercury thermometers, anti-freeze, used motor oil, oil based-paints, paint thinner, aerosol paints, batteries, lawn chemicals, hobby and photographic chemicals, pool chemicals and solvents.  Hazardous items must be properly sealed.

They will also accept clean styrofoam items (except packing peanuts). Textbooks and eyeglasses will be accepted for reuse or recycling. 

For more information, click here or call 773-708-5111.